Tuesday, April 02, 2019


The Prime Minister, the former Defense Ministers and the former Chiefs of Staff are totally responsible for the unprecedented situation that we are currently facing. They have been ably and abetted by the judiciary of the IDF who have embedded lawyers with the field operations decision making units at the behest of the former military advocate general of the IDF to attempt to minimize negative world opinion (2012) (1).

The situation has arisen because they all have failed in the defense of the country by appeasing our enemies, back tracking on verbal threats made against our enemies with respect to escalation, have turned too many blind eyes away from reality, restricted the IDF from undertaking its task with rules tantamount to a set of shackles/ handcuffs regarding utilizing their weapons, failed to ensure the sanctity of the Temple Mount is respected and failing to enforce law order to the non-Jewish element of society.

Far too much Jewish blood has been spilt with Jewish lives lost and citizens traumatized on a daily basis, be it from rockets from Gaza, incendiary balloons from Gaza,  vehicle stoning in Judea and Samaria, drive by shootings at both the IDF and civilians and the numerous stabbings and incendiary attempts against civilians.

The public has remained silent for far too long against the incompetence of those in the seats of power, be it current or former. Today these people still have the temerity to stand before the electorate on the eve of an election without any remorse for their utter failures. 

Under the prevailing circumstances, irrespective of any legal viewpoint prompted by the judiciary as to the legality, the President must act in a responsible role, put aside all personal feelings to both the parties and candidates and use his prerogative to immediately postpone the forthcoming election to enable the country to reverse the IDF’s role from defensive to offensive and once and for all crush our enemies !

(1)    https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/84f408/pdf/