Wednesday, December 27, 2023


President Joe Biden You constantly express that Israel should not take excessive punitive measures against Hamas and their supporters in Gaza, claiming the latter are civilians (who have kept Hamas in power for 16 years and support the aims to destroy Israel by any means). As such Jewish blood is being spilt because of your demands. Let me remind you that as I write Red Alerts of incoming missiles and rockets are going off as indiscrimate firing of these projectiles at Israeli civilians is occurring, and has been for the last 11 weeks, from both Gaza and Lebanon. You appear to be more concerned with the "civilians" in Gaza that the civilian survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants in Israel. Time and time again the USA has prevented Israel from completely obliterating its sworn enemy who uses both conventional, non conventional and barbaric terrorist means against the citizens of the Jewish State whilst paying lip service to claiming to support Israel. Now is the time for you to stop treating Israel as a Vassal of the USA and let it achieve an outright victory, condemn Hamas and its supporters. Strange that the Hamas leader was free to be in Cairo recently without being arrested for mass murder and acts of barbarism against Jews not seen since the Nazi era. Clearly, there is a double standard being applied, just like the USA decision in the recent UN Security Council resolution. You are losing your grip on this conflict to the detriment of the USA and the Jewish people in the only Jewish state in the world by supporting indirectly Islam and all it stands for in its many guises. Posted to White House web site email contact 24 December 2023

Monday, December 25, 2023

Open letter sent to Dame Elan Closs Stephens - chair BBC Board of Governors on 21 December 2023

Copied Tim Davie - Director General BBC

 Dear Dame Elan,

I am writing to you as Chairman of the BBC Governors. 

I listened with incredulity to the morning's BBC Radio 4 News Bulletin on 21 December 2023 regarding the tunnels that Israel Defence Forces had uncovered/discovered in Gaza in the location of the Hamas leader's home when it was stated that " this has not been verified". It is as if the BBC is accusing Israel of making this up and using mock ups of what were tunnels etc. in the studio or in the field.

 Contrast this with the BBC web site  that puts out material from its employees such as BBC Arabic camera operator Jehad El-Mashhrawi, Fergal Keane, Adnan El-Bursh, Lina Sinjab and Yolande  Knell (who lives in Jerusalem with her Arab spouse) without mentioning if the material has been verified- it appears the BBC trusts these people to report honestly but does NOT trust the Jews of the IDF.

 Furthermore, on the BBC web site "Posted  20 Dec15:46  a report  "There is no food or water' - Gaza mothers unable to feed their babies"- was this verified?  One recollects at the start of the conflict BBC reports stated that there was no water available in the Gaza Strip since Israel had cut off supplies of potable water, but it seems that whilst there may have been a shortage, sufficient was available. Notwithstanding, exactly how was the report of December 20 or earlier actually verified – it was accepted as a fact by the BBC because it considers those providing the information as honest !  In fact those providing the information were and are partial and prone to be inaccurate, to further their cause.

 In assessing those providing reports for the BBC on this conflict, one identifies that there are no Jews or Israelis. It is as if the BBC states loud and clear that Jews are not to be trusted so we airlift in our own "experienced" reporters – it is  time for some HONEST REPORTING.

How is the BBC going to correct this situation?