Monday, June 17, 2024

Open letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Government House Jerusalem

Dear Prime Minister Illegal occupancy of Government House Jerusalem by the UN The 5th June 2024 marked the 57 year of the illegal occupation by the UN, the UNTSO and other UN agencies of Government House Jerusalem. Prior to the termination of the Mandate this building complex , deliberately erected in the 1930’s on the commanding heights of Southern Jerusalem ridge, overlooking the Old City, was a status symbol of the British rule to all who viewed it from the Old City. During the period 1949 to 1967 the area where the building is situated was acknowledged to be in No Man’s Land as per the Israel- Jordan Armistice Agreement of April 1949. On the 5th June 1967 the Jordanian Army at 10:45 am opened fire on Jewish Jerusalem, despite PM Levi Eshkol’s attempt with no avail, through the UN, to persuade Jordan not to become involved in the hostilities. The Jordanians subsequently captured Jebel Mukhaber and by 14:10 had seized Government House. [A full description of events is in Uzi Narkiss book “The Liberation of Jerusalem”]. In the battle to retake Government House from the illegal occupation the IDF lost 21 soldiers as testified by the memorial plaque on the Hass Promenade. Having displaced the Jordanians at great cost in lives of the soldiers, the government of Israel procrastinated, as shown in documents found in the State Archives as to what should happen to the complex. It was the prestigious Headquarters of the Mandate and it was now in Israeli hands- it should have been incorporated into Jerusalem to serve as the Government Official Palace like the White House in Washington. Unfortunately, the UN were allowed to immediately reoccupy, make substantial modifications over the past 57 years to both the internal and exterior structures, to illegally extend the boundaries of the area etc. All this took place without either national or local Jerusalem planning authorization – they have in the past 57 years acted unilaterally. Additionally, they apparently do not pay Jerusalem Municipal Taxes [Arnona]], nor reimburse the suppliers of vital infrastructure utilities electricity, water and telephone communication. Furthermore, they also occupy the adjacent Antenna Hill to the south east. Given that the Government of Israel signed Peace treaties with its neighbors in Jordan and Egypt and that the UNTSO has not ensured that UNSC Resolution 1701 regarding Hezbollah activities in Lebanon has been upheld, there can be no reasonable grounds for the UN and its agencies to occupy Government House in Jerusalem they can move lock stock and barrel to the north of the country where they will be on the spot. In the past, Regavim has drawn the government’s attention to illegally extend the boundaries of the area etc. to no avail. All this without either national or local Jerusalem planning authorization or building permission. Furthermore, in recent weeks, the Minister of Housing declared on behalf of the State of Israel that the UNWRA complex in Ma’alot Dafna was illegal and was taking steps including, but not limited to, fines and payment of retroactive rent. . Given the attitude of the UN Secretary General and UN staff as well as the General Assembly and UNSC towards Israel and vis a vis the Jewish people, we must stand firm against this attitude and openly show our supreme Sovereignty by regaining full total control over the Government House complex and the adjacent areas. I call upon you as Prime Minister to restore our dignity and self-respect in establishing in Government House, which was the legal headquarters of the Mandatory power to which Israel took over some 57 years ago as the Sovereign Power, to reinstate this building complex as the official legal Israeli Government Palace and expel the UN from the complex forthwith.

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